After accepting the purchase order , seller must warrant that all products & good will be free from of defect and the delivery of the goods will be in accordance with the buyers direction, specification, data drawing, & seller ‘s samples promises that every goods is according to buyer direction & must fit for the buyer. Seller must guarantee that the entire product must be free from all lien, claim and encumbrances. Seller must guarantee that the entire product is free from patent, trademark, copyright or any third party infringement. Seller must agree to indemnify buyer & must secure buyer from all the liability, loss, damage, & expense including reasonable fees and cost of litigation which is result due to infringement. Where it is held by buyer that any kind of infringement is presence then the seller shall at his expense will give the right to buyer to enjoy the goods & the seller must take proper step

1) To rectify the goods to remove the infringement

2) Or return the purchase price

3) Or retake the goods

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