Every user will be welcome to contact with www.aristaexport.com,If any user have any questions about this privacy statement, This version of the Privacy Policy will be applicable after posting it on the website.

When an user sign up, access or use the service provided by www.aristaexport.com that will mean that an user has given his consent to this privacy policy.

And by this privacy policy user is agreeing that the company www.aristaexport.com may use your personal information for the business service purpose According to the privacy policy.


User national ID card number, Passport, Tax identification number May be required to provide information. www.aristaexport.com may request you to provide information about yourself, including your National ID/ Passport, Tax Identification Number (TIN), and/or bank account details for operating the Services in www.aristaexport.com and to reduce the risk or fraudulent purpose. www.aristaexport.com process supplier & buyer information at utmost importance care & use this information conforming to the terms of this Privacy Policy. “information” means in this policy refers to any confidential and/or individually identifiable information or other information related to users of www.aristaexport.com Services in this Privacy Policy.

www.aristaexport.com shall confirm that www.aristexport.comwon’t use or sell any information to any third parties or shall not use any information for marketing purpose without user express consent.

When it is required to convey any user information www.aristaexport.com shall use this information with strict restriction & according to the privacy policy.

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